Saturday, July 10, 2010

i feel you ~

People always talk about the moment they fell for their best friend. There never was a moment for me and mine. I've always loved him of course everyone loves their friends, but with him it's different. I can't explain it, it's just...different.
*You think you know me well as a friend...You say you understand me...You claim you can read my mind, predict my moods, sense my feelings...So why don't you realize that I’m so in love with you? You're not my friend; friends don't look at each other like we do..
You walk by me everyday and say hello. Everyday you take time out to listen to me. You talk to me, smile at me, laugh with me, and have fun with me. Well I talk, smile and laugh too, but inside I'm hurting. Deep down it hurts to be with you because I love you and you are only a friend

It hurts to fall in love with a friend. You keep on hiding your feelings, avoiding it as mush as possible, till you cry your heart out of fear of losing a friend and a love you never really had.

.....its been like this for a quite some times.....